What is Gua Sha?

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ying yang symbol for gua sha

Gua Sha is a technique using a smooth flat or gently curved instrument (like a Chinese soup spoon, for example) to scrape along the skin while pressing firmly into the muscle beneath, until the area becomes red and raised. Sounds a little unpleasant, but it’s really not.

In biomedical terms, Gua Sha utilises subcutaneous fascia as a mediator from outside to inside, increases circulation to the muscle and the connective tissue, thereby increasing blood supply and helping in the removal of waste products.

In Chinese medicine terms, Gua Sha is used to move stagnation- of blood, qi, or body fluids sitting close to the skin surface. Stagnation of these substances are likely to be causing PAIN!
It also ‘releases the exterior’, which is desirable when there is an ‘external pathogenic attack’ – this translates roughly as cold and ‘flu-like conditions.

As mentioned above, it’s really effective for conditions where there is pain. This might be back ache or stiffness, headache, or migraine.

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